News & Announcements

Springer Nature Read and Publish Agreement, 2025

by Mürsel Tekin | Jan 06, 2025
Springer Nature Read and Publish Agreement has been reactivated as of 01/01/2025.


Dear Members of Istanbul Technical University,

The second term of the Springer Nature Read and Publish Agreement, where our researchers can publish open access publications in Springer Hybrid Journals 'free of charge', has been reactivated as of January 1, 2025.

Important reminder : Our quota for 2025 is 2,711 and approximately 300 articles have been given APC support as of January 1, 2025. The quota is expected to run out again around August. Therefore, it is important for our authors to take this information into consideration when making their plans. After the quota runs out, accepted articles will either need to be funded elsewhere or, since the journals are hybrid, they will be able to be published in a closed format (free of charge).

Within the scope of the agreement, open access support will be provided for “Original Article”, “Review Article” and “Continuing Education” type publications in Q1 and Q2 Group Springer Nature Hybrid Journals in Web of Science (SCI, SSCI, AHCI).

Springer Read and Publish Agreement Open Access Publishing Journals List

Within the scope of this agreement, there is an annual quota for publishing AE articles. However, according to the terms of the agreement, there will be no “AE article quota allocation” for institutions.  The publication of the corresponding author whose article is accepted in the specified journals will be processed according to the order of arrival of the publication, and if there is sufficient quota, TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM will approve the AE publication of the articles that meet the criteria.

What authors need to know:

  • The applicant must be the corresponding author of the article and the name of the institution must be mentioned in the article.
  • It is important to use institutional e-mails when applying for an article in order for AE approval processes to run smoothly.
  • The list of journals for OA article publication support is attached.

Useful links:

If you have any problems with the open access publication of your articles in the journals listed, you can contact us at

You can follow the developments related to open science practices in the Open Science & Open Access Library Guide we have prepared for you. 

Best Regards
ITU Library and Documentation Department