Users can make their library fine payments by following the steps outlined below to the specified bank account number.

Note: Users making transactions should complete their late payment penalty payments at least 1 day in advance to avoid any issues.

» Users who wish to pay the late payment penalty should confirm the penalty amount from the library if they have any overdue items.
» In the description section, they must include the note "Library Fine Penalty / -Student or Registration Number-"
» After making the payment, the receipt must be sent to

Account Information:

    Vakıflar Bankası Maslak Şubesi

    Şube Kodu : 401

    Hesap Numarası : 00158007311540712

    IBAN Numarası : TR81 0001 5001 5800 7311 5407 12

    Hesap Adı: İ.T.Ü. Strateji Geliştirme Daire Başkanlığı

    Açıklama: Kütüphane Yayın Gecikme Ceza Bedelleri