A training has been planned to introduce the Springer Nature Read and Publish Agreement, which allows 'free' open access publication in Springer Hybrid Journals. Details about the training are shared below. Details regarding the training titled “Open Access for Turkey - What you need to know, from how to publish your article to getting funded” are shared below.
Webinar date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 11:00-12:00
Webinar language: The session will be mostly in Turkish, with a few sections in English.
Content: Specific topics will be addressed, including author and article identification, and the steps authors should follow from submission to approval. In addition, tips on how to write a good article will be included in this special session.
- TÜBİTAK – ULAKBIM (TA) Agreement Overview
- Eligibility criteria/papers included in the agreement
- Tips and tricks on writing a successful paper for publishing
- Applying for funding to publish your article Open Access
- Q&A
Registration link:
Springer Nature-TUBİTAK ULAKBİM-Open Access Agreement-Webinar 3
Useful links:
If you have any problems with the open access publication of your articles in the journals listed, you can contact us at kutuphanedanis@itu.edu.tr.
You can follow the developments related to open science practices in the Open Science & Open Access Library Guide we have prepared for you. The guide is prepared in Turkish.